Selim Rantapuro - Jazz Guitarist, Composer and Educator


Here is my press page, including some updated information about me as a musician and about my projects I am involved in.

I am a Finnish jazz guitarist of the younger generation. I have played in several jazz bands and gigged with my own name, in many kinds of settings from solo to a big band. I still like to play in all kinds of settings, I have no preferences over a certain kind of group setting. It all depends on what kind of music I hear inside in my head, I pick the instrumentation closest to what I hear. 

I try to be selective about the electronic press kit, and I have decided that my album work into is main thing of this press page. As soon as I have a new album published, or if I get some new album or gig reviews, I will write them here. 

Selim Rantapuro Quartet

Selim Rantapuro Quartet is a jazz group led by the guitarist Selim Rantapuro. Other musicians include some belgian jazz musicians, including pianist Milan Verbist, bassist Wolf De Backer and drummer Simon Van Brandt. The repertoire of the band is mainly composed by Selim Rantapuro. Stylisically the group is playing postbop jazz with some modern elements on it.

The Quartet has one album published on 2023, and it is ”Shades Of Blue”.

The album is available on Spotify through the link below:

Here is the complete information about the album including all the necessary details, including the process of making the album, ISRC, cover art etc, see the link below: